Communities In Schools of Northeastern Nevada

Nevada has one of the highest dropout rates in the Nation. In fact, according to the Nevada Department of Education, 94 students drop out of school every instructional day.

CIS creates special initiatives to directly address specific factors that contribute to the dropout crisis. These initiatives are designed to be long-term, sustainable programs that are funded by donations and grants and are free to students and their families. We have resources readily available such as support network of volunteers, social services, business and community resources. By integrating these resources and initiatives into the school, students and families can easily take advantage of them.

Our mission is to surround students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life.

Communities In Schools believes that every child needs and deserves:

1. A one-on-one relationship with a caring adult

2. A safe place to learn and grow

3. A healthy start and a healthy future

4. A marketable skill to use upon graduation

5. A chance to give back to peers and the community